Uploading Data from PDS to Centric

When you are ready to upload a style to Centric, follow the steps described in this topic.

The process may take a while, depending on the complexity of the style, the number of colorways, the sizes of the textures etc...

The uploaded information can then be seen on your Centric 8 designated location under the Style's Documents tab.


To Upload a style to Centric:

  1. Open your PDS file. (If you need 3D information, have it simulated).

  2. Make sure O/Cloud link is running and you are logged in to it.

  3. Make sure Centric Local Agent is running (Check The tray icon)

    1. You can start it from the Start Menu if needed:

  4. Log in to the Centric 8 Web Page:

  5. On the centric 8 Web Page, create a new style, for the PDS file you intend to upload and enter some details:

  6. On the PDS menu click PLM and Login (this is done once per PDS session):

  7. Enter Your Centric 8 Username and Password:

    Your login is indicated on the PDS title bar:

  8. On the PDS menu click PLM and Upload:

  9. The Style Upload dialog opens:

  10. Find the season and the style you previously prepared in Centric. You can use the search to narrow the possibilities:

  11. Select the desired style and click Upload

    The Techpack creation process starts. You will see the 3D window changing snapshots positions automatically.

  12. After the Techpack is completed, the status bar indicates that the Upload is in process:

  13. A message appears at the bottom when completed:

  14. Check the centric 8 Web Page. Your newly uploaded style should show everything under the Documents tab.

  15. To see the uploaded images click the image on the PDS file row, on the Image column.

    A viewer will open and you can scroll through all the images.

  16. To view the GLB click



  • The process may take long or even throw connection errors, but eventually it is completed

  • For Centric agent installer or Centric website issues, contact support@centricsoftware.com


 See also: