Style Area And Perimeter

The Style Area And Perimeter command displays all area and perimeter values for each piece in the file. These values are displayed according to material type and size.

You can view, filter and print the information in this dialog box according to each individual size and material type. However, you cannot change the information.

Note: The same information per piece can be viewed in Piece Properties.


  • Menu: Piece> General> Style Area And Perimeter


Dialog Explanation




Indicates the Piece Name


Indicates the Quantity of the pieces.

Area / Perimeter

Shows the area and perimeter.


Filters the list according to the selected Material. If no size is selected, the list shows only those pieces with no material defined.

For All Materials

Select this checkbox if you want to view all the sizes in the file.


Filters the list according to the selected size.


Resets the list according to the Base Size.

Text Report

Click this button to print or save a report as a text file.

This Size Only

Select this checkbox if you want to report only the selected size.