Sizes Tree

Use the Sizes Tree to create a variation grading with an unlimited number of subsets (or sub-sizes) for each size. Unlike in Variation Grading, every subset is unique, and has no connection to the other subsets.

To add a sizes tree:

  1. Open the Sizes Tree from the Other Windows menu.

  1. Create sub-sizes.

  1. Grade each sub-size.

Table Of Sizes – Size Variation Tab

View the fields as follows:



Sizes Tree

Enables the sizes tree functionality.

Names Delimiter

Sets the delimiter between the sizes, as it should appear when un-checking the Size Tree checkbox. Unlike the variation grading, due to this delimiter system, an un-Reshape operation can be undone.

Sizes Tree Context Menu

Set Active Base Size

Set Base Size

Sets the selected size as a base size. This option is enabled only when the Active Base Size is set to another size of the same sub-size.

Insert/ Append Size

Inserts/ Appends sizes above and below the selected size.

Create SubSize

Creates a size below the selected size. This creates another variation, which (unlike in Variation Grading ) is different from the selected size, and is not shared by all sizes.

Delete Size

Delete the selected size.

Edit Size

Opens a dialog box where the Name, Color and Line Type/ Size can be set.