Set Walk Group


  • Menu: Piece -> Walk -> Set Walk Group

  • Menu: Piece -> Walk -> Walk Ungroup

To use the set walk group:

  1. Arrange the pieces on the working area in the orientation they need to be for walking.

  2. Select the pieces. The choice to set a walk group will be grayed out if only one piece is selected.

  3. Under the Piece> Walk> menu choose Set Walk Group.

  4. Select the Walk tool. The group will change its color to identify it as a group. Walk the group over other piece/s.

    1. Only one piece is selected.

    2. And so the command is disabled.

    3. The three pieces are arranged and selected.

    4. You can now select the Set Walk Group command.

    5. The group is walked over a different piece.

    6. Ungroup

Walk Ungroup

  1. Select the pieces you previously defined as a Walk Group

  2. Activate the command Walk Ungroup.