Segment Editor

You can use the Segment Editor tool, when you want to mark a selected shape or segment of a piece, copy it, and paste it to another location. You can use the Paste tools on the same piece, or on a different piece in either the current style file or in a different style file. You can also copy and paste a contour segment as an internal contour to any piece, together with its grading. This tool is very useful, for example – to copy the back side seam to the front.

There are two ways to use the Segment Editor. You can open the Segment Editor dialog and then start copying and pasting, or you can select a segment, then open the Segment Editor using the Segment Editor Copy option.

Note: The information is copied to a special Segment Editor clipboard, so that the Windows clipboard is not overwritten.

Icon and Location

  • Shortcut: Ctrl +G

  • Menu: Tools > Segment Editor

To use the Segment Editor:

  1. From the main menu, go to Tools > Segment Editor > Show.


  1. Select a segment, then go to Tools> Segment Editor > Copy.

In this example, we have selected a segment on the front piece.

The Segment Editor dialog appears:

Every time you make a change, the preview area shows a preview of the change before you paste the segment.

  1. Click Flip X if you want to flip the X direction of the selected segment:

  1. Click Flip Y, if you want to flip the Y direction of the selected segment:

  1. Click Inverse, if you want to move the reference point for the paste, from the start point of the segment to the end point. This button is active only when the copied segment is not closed.

  1. Click Rotate, if you want to rotate the direction of the segment according to an angle. For example, rotate 90 degrees.

  1. If you want to copy another segment in your pattern, you can always select a segment and then click Copy.

  2. Once you have decided the way you want to paste the copied segment, in the Paste area, select one of the following options:

  3. Proportional: Pastes the copied segment in proportion to the selected segment, or by a selected point.

For example, select the points where you want to paste the selected segment:

Then click Proportional:


  • Notches: Pastes only the notches according to the copied notches' relationship (ratio, from previous point, from next point), and their angle.

Note: The copied segment should have the notch between two grading points.

  • Between 2 Points: Pastes the selected segment between two points

Note: When you use this option and the first click is outside of a piece, make sure this piece is either Locked or the only piece on the Working Area.


  •  As Internal: Pastes the selected segment as an internal contour. If no point is selected, the internal contour is pasted over the piece.

Note: Starting from version O/17, if you paste as internal, the segment will remain in the original location from which it was copied, on the second piece.

Point selected on second piece

Point not selected

  1. You can select one of the following checkboxes:

  • Use Grading: If you want to paste the grading of the copied segment.

  • Use Notches: If you want to paste the notches of the copied segment.

  • Use Darts: If you want to paste the darts of the copied segment.

Note:If you paste "As Internal" and the Use Darts checkbox is selected,the dart is not pasted, only the dart cap is pasted.