Save As

You can use the Save As option, when you want to save the current style with a different name, or with a different file type. This is usually used when you have made a big change in a style and you want to keep the original file for revision. The same thing can be used, although less recommended due to file size, with the History.  

To save as:

  1. Go to File > Save As.

  2. Select the directory where you want to save the file.

  3. Select the type of file.

  4. Set the new file name.

View the fields as follows:



PDS Files

Save your file in (the latest Optitex version) native format, i.e *.pds


Save your file in (the latest Optitex version) XML format, i.e *.pdml

  • Saving as *.pdml will allow easier access for third party software engineers trying to access Optitex PDS files since it is written in an XML format.

  • Pdml files can be loaded into Optitex products as if they were the native format of the product.

PDS 9 Files

Save your file in Optitex version 9 native format, i.e *.dsn

  • Saving as *.dsn will allow you to open the file in Optitex version 9 but notice that some data will be lost. Style Sets and Zones for example are not available in Optitex version 9.

  • To have PDS 9 file as the default, use the INI parameter listed here

Important: Save to this format is discontinued starting from Optitex 19SP6

PDS 8 Files

Save your file in Optitex version 8 native format, i.e *.dsn

  • Saving as *.dsn will allow you to open the file in Optitex version 8 but notice that some data will be lost. Style Sets and Zones for example are not available in Optitex version 8.

Important: Save to this format is discontinued starting from Optitex 19SP6

 See also: File Menu