
Select the Rotate tool to rotate a piece or several pieces, internal objects or the baseline by a specified number of degrees.

Icon & Location

  • Toolbar: Edit

  • Toolbox: Rotation

To use the Rotate tool:

  1. Select the piece or the internal element.

  2. Select the Rotate tool.

    The Rotate Piece or Internals dialog appears:

  3. In the Angle field, enter the required angle. For example, enter 45 degrees.

  4. If you want to rotate the piece, select the Piece radio button


    If you want to rotate a selected internal, select the Selected Internals radio button


    If you want to rotate the piece over the baseline, select the Piece over Baseline radio button.

  5. Define to which pieces you want to apply the rotation:

    1. All Pieces in the File: If you want to apply the rotation to all the pieces in the PDS file (even those that are displayed in the Working Area).

    2. All Pieces on Working Area: If you want to apply the rotation only to those pieces that appear in the Working Area.

    3. All Selected Pieces: If you selected pieces prior to opening this dialog, and want to apply the rotation only to those pieces you selected.

    4. Current Piece Only: If you want to apply the rotation only to the current piece that is displayed.

  6. Select Rotate Left, if you want to rotate the piece/s according to the number of degrees to the left.


    Select Rotate Right, if you want to rotate the piece/s according to the number of degrees to the right.

    Once you select a button, the piece rotates and the dialog remains open.

    Here is an example of what happens after clicking Rotate Left 45 degrees:

  7. Click Close to close the dialog.