Preferences: Save - Save Options


Auto Save Backup File

File Name

Click the Browse button to set the Backup file path. Make sure you have write permission to the desired directory.

AutoSave Time Interval

Sets the frequency for saving the backup file. By default, the backup file is saved at 5 minute intervals.

Remove Backup after Save

Use this option to automatically remove the backup file after each save operation.

Save History Data in Backup

Use this option to automatically save all the history data after each save operation.

Post Saving Action

Run this Application after Save

Use this option to automatically run an application or system batch file after each save operation.

Application Name

Browse to select the system batch or executable file you want to run.

Run batch after save

Use this option to automatically run a PDS batch file after each save operation.

Batch file name

Browse to select the PDS batch file you want to run.

File extension for the grading rule table

Determines the file extension of the grading rule. Typically this is txt or rul

Save SDM

Save Import SDM Directory

 See also: PDS Preferences