Preferences: Notch

The Notch menu allows you to set your Notch preferences.


View the fields as follows:



Add A Grading Point When Creating A New Notch

Creates a Grading Point at the base of a new notch.

Use The Notch's Minimum Screen Size

Defines the smallest possible pixel size of the notch as it appears on the screen.

Notch Length For Dart And Pleat

Sets the default length of the dart's and pleat's notches.


Keep the Seam Notch On The Grading Point, Regardless Of Its Angle

If a Notch is connected to a point with a ratio it will remain on the grading point of the seam, even after changing its angle.

Set The Notch Direction On A Corner Point

Sets the direction of the notch on the corner (when a notch is added to the corner of two segments).

Show Special Notch Types When 'U' Notch is Selected

Determines whether to show the U notch in the notch properties.

Correct The Notch Direction After 'Build' or 'Trace' tools

After building a piece from an internal with a notch, the notch will be turned to the inside of the new piece.

Show Warning for Large Notch Ratio

Displays a warning when notch Ratio exceeds 1 or falls below 0.

Notch Type



Sets the type (shape) of a notch.

Set Last Used Type As Default

Creates notches of the same type as the most recently used notch.

Plotting And Cutting Time

Sets the default cutting or plotting time for the notch:

Before The External Contour: The notch will be cut before the contour.

While Cutting: The notch will be cut together with the contour.

After The External Contour: The notch will be cut after the contour.



Sets the default depth and width of a notch.

Note: You can override the default when editing the Dart/Pleat Properties.


Sets the depth of the notch.


Sets the width of the notch.


Sets the angle of the notch.


Sets the Command to be applied at plot and cutting time, e.g., Draw, Cut, Punch, None.

Grading Type

Sets the default type of relationship between notch and point. The notch's position can be represented by three different types Proportional, From previous point and From next point.

 See also: PDS Preferences