Preferences: Main - Build, Trace, Map Zone
Use the Preferences menu to control the settings for the build, trace, build map and trace map tools.
Create Pieces without internals in 'Build and 'Trace'
If selected, no internal will be included in the resulting piece.
Internals from The overlapping contours in 'Build' and 'Trace'
When Using The 'Build' And 'Trace' Tools, Create any overlapping contours as internals when building pieces.
Add Internal Darts In 'Cut', 'Build' And 'Trace' Piece
Adds darts with their top inside the building piece and border points outside of it.
Note: if, after the original piece creations, a modification is
made to the dart information: it is required to re-create the pieces from
the map zone to keep the proper geometry.
Use map piece zones
If selected, displays the Piece Zone when creating map zones.
Piece Zones are used to manage all of your map zones.
If cleared, displays the Quality Zone window when creating map zones.
Quality Zones are used to manage leather quality
only. See Quality
Automatically correct the Map's pieces.
Automatically changes pieces created from the Map when any changes are made to the geometry, grading, or notches of the 'Map zone'.
Set Connection Internals with the Zone
If selected, copies the internals for a newly created piece.
Maintain the base line direction after 'Correct piece by map zone'
Maintains the base line direction of the Map Piece according to the base line direction of the Map Zone Connected Piece.
This option is used when rotating the pieces and updating the map.
In some cases the baseline angle might change.
Using long complex contours in Build Piece
If selected, creates temporary contours from two or more internal contours according to the maximum length as defined in the Build Piece and Build Piece Zones tools.
See also: PDS Preferences