Preferences: 3D - Tools

Use the 3D - Tools sub-menu to set preferences for the 3D Tools.




Save changes of 3D manipulation tools To cloth pieces

  • Saves changes made to the cloth piece by the 3D Move, 3D Rotate and 3D Scale tools.

  • To cancel the changes click the Synchronize button.

  • When this preference is not checked, the cloth pieces will return to prior position after Refresh or Clear Cloth operations.

Magic Glove Radius

Sets the radius of the region the Magic Glove tool is influencing.

Show Rotate Order

Use Fast Snapshot mode

  • Enable this preference, if you are using NVIDIA® GeForce® 8 series and higher graphic card.

  • This mode will avoid image corruption for Animation videos and 3D snapshots.

 See also: PDS Preferences