Pieces window

In the Pieces window all pieces in a style are displayed - even if there are not placed on the Working Area. The selected piece(s) in the Working Area is also highlighted in the Pieces window.





  • Menu: View> Pieces window (1)


To work with the Pieces window:


  1. Invoke the 'Pieces window'.

  2. Select piece(s).


2. Two pieces selected in the Working Area, are highlighted in the Pieces window


The currently selected piece is highlighted in the Pieces window


Dialog Explanation


Right click over the Pieces window, in order to open the context menu dialog.


3. Right click


Edit/ Piece


Shortcut to commands that are present in the Edit menu.



Remove Piece


Piece(s) Attributes

Invoke the Piece Properties.


Zoom All

Show all the pieces.


4. Not all pieces appear


5. After 'Zoom All', all pieces appear in the window


Pieces window Options


This dialog box controls the appearance of the Pieces window.




Align Pieces To The Top/Left


7. Aligned to Top


8. Aligned to Left


List Mode (Full Piece Name On The Right)


When enabled the, pieces appear with the full name or else it will be trimmed.  It is recommended to have this field disabled, as it takes too much space.




Show Pieces In One Scale


Show the pieces of different size as the same size in the Pieces window.


10. Disabled


11. Enabled


Allow Drag (Reorder)


Allow dragging the pieces in order to reorder them.


12. Click and drag..


13. ...pieces are reordered


Keyboard Shortcuts


  • Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up/Down - Change the pieces size, in the Pieces window.


14. Original size


15. Pieces got bigger