Pieces Table

This table is used in order to change the Marker Attributes of the pieces. It is similar to Piece Properties only makes it easier to manage the data on the cells, and to copy and paste from one cell to the other(s).
The Style Set can also be used, after setting the 'defualt' values of the pieces, in order to create style variants.

Note: Since version 10, in the 'Marker Attributes' an important field was added - Pair.



  • Menu: View> Pieces Table (6)

To work with Pieces Table:

  1. Invoke the 'Pieces Table'.

  2. Select a cell to edit its content.

Pane Explanation


1. Pieces Table


Context Menu


Right-click on the columns to display a pop-up menu with Pieces Table options.


2. Right-Click Options highlighted


Sort Down

Use this command to sort the list by reversed alphanumeric order.


Sort Up

Use this command to sort the list by alphanumeric order.


Equal All

Equall All cells.


Equal On Working Area

Use this command to equal all the pieces on the Working Area with the first value of the selected column.


Equal Selected

Use this command to equal all the selected pieces with the first value of the selected column.


Report To Excel

This command generates a report in Ms-Excel.The report will contain the information in the columns visible in the Pieces Table and a small image for each piece in the file. It is possible to e-mail the report directly from OptiTex PDS.

  3. Report To Excel dialog  

Excel File Path

Click the Browse icon to determine name and location for the Excel report or to select an existing file.


Append To Existing File

Generate the report on an already existing Excel file.


Open Excel File

Open the report in Excel after its creation.


4. Example for an Excel Report generated from the Pieces Table, with Bar Codes


Mail Report


5. E-Mail window


Send To

Set the E-Mail address and click the V icon. To remove an address from the list click the X icon.



Type the subject or title of message.



Type a message that will be sent along with the report



Add attachments to the E-Mail / Clear additional attachments from the E-Mail


Column Settings


6. Column Settings Dialog


Check the columns you wish to view in the Pieces Table.


Move Up/ Down

Rearrange the order of the columns in the Pieces Table.


Show/ Hide

Show or hide the selected column in the Pieces Table.


Show Bar Codes in Excel Report

Add Bar Codes column in Excel report.


Change INI By Batch


For SP 10.4 and up

Add to Optitex10/11.ini a new parameter that will enable you to select multiple rows by drag selection


Section : [OptiTex PDS 10 / OptiTex PDS 11] Keyword : PieceTableGridMode Value : 2 or 1  (default = 1 = Do not enable multi selection with drag)


Use the batch file attached below to automatically update Optitex10.ini file.