Getting to Know the Pieces window

The Pieces Window is located below the Icon toolbars. This window displays all the pattern pieces that exist in a particular style. Once you begin working on a pattern, all the pattern pieces appear in this window, along with the name of each piece and the style information.

If you right click while standing on the Pieces window, the following options appear:







Allows you to undo a change you made. (goes back to the previous state)


Allows you to redo a change you made (goes forward to the change you just made)

Cut Piece

Allows you to cut a piece (to remove it and then paste or remove)

Copy Piece

Allows you to copy a piece to be pasted somewhere else.

Paste Piece

Allows you to paste a copied piece.

Delete Piece from Style

Allows you to permanently remove the piece from the style.

Note: When you "delete" a piece from the Pieces window it remains in the style. Invoking this command permanently removes the piece.



Replace Old

Saves the current selected piece(s) and returns piece(s) to the Pieces window, removing from the desktop. This tool does not effect the entire file, only the selected pieces.

Remove Active

Removes the current selected piece(s) from the Pieces window, and prompts to save changes. This tool does not effect the entire file, only the selected pieces.

Make Active as New

Saves the current selected piece(s), makes a copy in the Pieces window and removes them from the desktop. This tool does not effect the entire file, only the selected pieces.


Deletes a selected piece.

Piece Attributes

Invokes the Piece Properties dialog.

Zoom All

Allows you to zoom in to view all the pieces up close.

Pieces window Options

Invokes the Pieces window Options dialog.