General Plotter Attributes

You can use the Plotter Attributes option, when you want to modify piece settings which affect their appearance for printing/plotting.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: File> Plotter Setup> General Plotter Attributes

To view the Plotter Attributes:

  1. From the main menu, go to File > Plotter Setup > General Plotter Attributes.

    The Plotter Attributes dialog appears:

  1. View the fields as follows:



Plot Descriptions

Sets which of the listed attributes will be plotted (these attributes are defined in the Piece Properties)

  • Style Name

  • Piece Name

  • Piece Code

  • Description

  • Size List- If Plot each size separately is selected, each size name will be plotted on the matching piece.

  • Material

  • Quality

Plot Seam

Plot Seam By Visible: Plots the seam whenever Seam is displayed on the Working Area.

Plot Cut And Sew Together: Plots both boundary lines, cut and sew.

Plot Cut Only: Plots the outermost boundary of the pieces.

Plot Sew Only: Plots the innermost boundary of the pieces.

Plot Grade Rule Names: Plots the grade rules names.

Plot Pleats in Notch Form Only: Does not plot the dash lines of the pleat, only its notches

Plot Grade Rule Names

If turned on, plots the grade rule names.

Plot Pleats in Notch Form Only

If turned on, plots pleats with notch forms, does not plot the dash lines of the pleat.

Plot Closing Marks

Dart-Pleat Closing Marks: Plots dart-pleat closing marks, if defined.

Dart-Pleat Closing Length: Plots dart-pleat closing length, if defined.

Pleat Closing Marks: Plots pleat closing marks, if defined.

Pleat Closing Length: Plots pleat closing length, if defined.


  1. Click Ok when you are done.

 See also: Plotter Setup Menu