Export Settings

View the fields as follows:



Use blocks in the file

DXF format allows using blocks in order to better separate the pieces.

Add a point on the notch's base

If a notch has no point on its base, then a new point will be created.

Export the grading rule as a separated file

A file with the same name as the Exported file, and with the extension defined under Preferences> Save> File extension for the grading rule table.


Add grading rules for a notch

In the grading rule file grading values for the notches will be added.

Use Visible Sizes Only

Export grading to AAMA and ASTM according to the current display. (V11)

Positive rule names

When a piece with a symmetry is imported, the grading rules that have a negative value name will be converted to positive value names.

Rotate the base line to the horizontal

Disregard the base line direction and rotate it to the horizontal.

  • All except XML


Mirror symmetry

Combo: No mirror, Only contour, All.


Convert splines to polygons

The syntax is changed, and the splines, are converted to polygons.



Minimum spline step

Use 'Circle' command for buttons and circles

Instead of a set of lines, by using the 'Circle' command a circle or a button can be described as a point with radius.


Number of arc sections

Also for button! (right?)

Convert button to point with radius

A button with 'Drill' or 'Aux. Drill' command will be converted to a point with a radius.

Combo (None, Drill, Aux. Drill, Drill and Aux drill )

Set a unique name for every piece

Add a number in the end of the piece name, thus create unique piece names.

Maximum number of characters per name

Set the maximum number of characters for every unique piece name.

Export the descriptions as viewed

Export only the descriptions that appear on the screen. Show\ hide the descriptions through 'View & selection' pane> Piece Information.

Export the descriptions with their dictionary title

Descriptions will be exported with the corresponding dictionary title, as defined under Preferences> Import & Export> Dictionary.

 See also: PDS Preferences