Equal Segments Definition

Create a connection between segments (contour or internal contours of the same piece). This is usually used to make the Side seams of the front and back pieces the same, so when changing one, the other is automatically adjusted. Automatic segment definition after cutting a piece can be set in the Options.

To use the equal segments definition tool:

  1. Select the first segment.

  1. Invoke the 'Equal Segments Definition' dialog.

  1. Enter a group name.

  1. 'Create group'.

  1. Select the second segment.

  1. 'Add new segment'.


View the fields as follows:




Set the name of the group. It is recommended to give a human readable name, for easier recognition of the different groups.

Length Only

Maintain a relation between the segment length only, i.e. the shape is not maintained.


Maintain a proportional length relation, for example if the first segment is 10cm and the second is 15cm then the ratio is 1.5.


Set the color of the group as it will appear when enabling the Show With Color.

Fix Last Point

Set the last point of the segment as the correcting point. (Default setting is first point.)
Each segment is independent of correcting point selection. Define each segment for proper behavior.

Mirror/ Inverse

Set the duplication state.