Create A Polygonal Piece

Use this command to create a polygonal piece with defined dimensions. The points of the polygonal piece are set to be Non-curve.

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Piece > New Piece > Create a Polygonal Piece

To use the create a rectangular piece:

  1. From the main menu, go to Piece> New Piece > Create A Polygonal Piece.

  1. In the Piece Name field, define the name of the piece (or select a predefined name from the drop-down list).

  2. In the Point field, set the number of points. The minimum is 3 points.

  3. In the Radius field, enter the radius of the circle that is constraining the piece.

    Note:This field is automatically updated when changing the perimeter.

  1. In the Perimeter field, enter the perimeter of the piece.

    Note:This field is automatically updated when changing the radius.

  1. In the Angle field, enter the angle relative to the Y axis.\

  1. Click Ok to create the polygon.