Changing the Size of the Piece Via Scale

You can use the Scale command when you want to either enlarge or reduce the size of a piece on the X and Y axis. This allows you to change the piece size when you are working with materials that have a shrink or stretch factor, or when you are digitizing a miniature pattern from another source, e.g., a magazine or book and you have to scale back to the actual size.

Note: If the piece is graded first and then scales, the graded sizes are scaled according to the base size.

To change the size of the piece:

  1. From the main menu, go to Piece > Modify Scale.

    The Scale dialog appears:

    The Scale dialog contains the following options:




Note: All the values in the Dimensions area are automatically adjusted whenever a value is entered. For example, if you enter a percentage for the X value, the Shrinkage, Absolute and Difference values are adjusted and vice versa.

Lock Ratio

Select this checkbox if you want to lock the ratio when scaling. This means that all values will be according to the first value you enter. For example, if the X is 10, the Y will be 10 and all values will be affected as well.


Enter a scaling value as a percentage for the X and Y axis.

You should use percentage in cases where you want the piece to get bigger or smaller.


Enter a value for shrinking the X and Y axis of the piece.

You should use shrinkage in cases where the piece is going to receive some type of treatment, for example dye, steam, wash. etc. and after the treatment the piece should go back to it's original dimensions.


Enter the absolute value of the X and Y axis.


Set the value according to the absolute difference from the original value.



All Pieces in the file

Select this option, if you want to apply the scaling values to all the pieces in your PDS file.

Current Piece Only

Select this option, if you want to apply the scaling values to the current piece only.

Pieces on Working Area Only

Select this option, if you want to apply the scaling values to all the pieces in the Working Area.

Selected Piece Segment

Select this option, if you want to scale a segment you have selected.

All selected Pieces

Select this option, if you want to scale all the pieces you have selected.

Selected Internals Only

Select this option, if you want to scale only the internals.

Scale in Scaled Piece

Here you can decide if you want to scale other attributes of your pattern. You have three options:

None: Do not scale when scaling.

As of X: Scale according to the X value.

As of Y: Scale according to the Y value.

The following attributes can be scaled:

Buttons/Circles: Include buttons/circles when scaling.

Notches: Include notches when scaling.

Text: Include any text when scaling.

Descriptions: Include descriptions when scaling.

Seam Widths: Include seam widths when scaling.

Scale Grading

Select this checkbox, if you want the grading to also be scaled.

Create Scale Information Description

Select this checkbox, if you want the scaling percentage to display in the Piece Description.

The shrinkage information will appear in the PDS and in the Marker in this case.

Note: Any existing description will be replaced.