1. Define the selection criteria 2. Define the Attributes to change 3. Define the required changes 4. Apply required changes

Change Internal Attributes

The Change Internal Attributes tool allows you to modify the attributes of all your internals of different types at once.

The dialog is dynamic according to the type of internals you have in your pattern, according to the selection you make in the dialog and according to the attributes that are defined inside your pattern. For example, you can globally change all V notches that are Cut, to T notches and Draw.

It's important to remember if you make a change, but the system does not find anything that meets the criteria, then nothing will be changed.

The Change Global Internal Parameters dialog is divided into the following sections: (click on a link to jump to that section in the steps below)

Selection Criteria: Here you are defining how/what you are selecting inside the pattern. You can define where to search for the internal objects, which internal objects and the attributes you are changing.

Defined Attributes: Here you can see which attributes are defined on the internal object and the attribute you want to select in order to change (in the Required Changes area).

Required Changes: Here you are defining the changes you want to make to the internal objects that meet the search criteria.

Apply: Applies the required changes to all internal objects that meet the search criteria.


To use the Change Internal Attributes tool:

  • Go to Piece > General > Change Internal Attributes

The Change Global Internal Parameters dialog is displayed.

Click on a section to expand and view how to perform each step.

  1. ClosedDefine the Selection Criteria.

    1. In the Pieces area, decide which pieces you want to define criteria for. The following options are available:

      • All: You want to apply the change to all pieces that are inside the pattern.

      • On Working Area: You want to apply the changes only to pieces that are displayed in the Working Area.

      • All Selected Pieces: You can want to apply the changes to all pieces that you selected (you can select multiple pieces with the selection rectangle).

      • Current Only: You want to apply the change only to the piece that is selected.

    1. Select the type of internal you are looking for inside the pattern (according to how you defined in step 2): Notch, Button, Circle, Text, Dart Pivot Point, or InternalContour.

    2. In the Contour for Notches area, decide if you want to look for the internal object on the External Contour, Internal Contour or All if you want to look all over.

  2. Closed Define the Attributes to change

    1. Select which cut/plot command you are looking for: Draw, Cut, Drill, AuxDrill, Punch, Quality, Sew. (These are dynamic according to the type of internal. For example, Punch is available for notches, but not for buttons.) or select None, if you do not want to change the command at all, or select All, if you want all commands to be included in the criteria.

    2. If you are looking for either notches, or darts, select the notch type: T, V, I, L, U, Box or select All if you want all notch types included in the criteria.

    3. Select the cut and plot time you are looking for: Cut before the Pieces,Cut with the Piece, Cut After the Piece, or select All, if you want all cut commands included in the criteria.

    4. If you are looking for internal objects, select Closed, Non-Closed, or All, if you want to include both closed and non-closed in the criteria.

    5. If you are looking for text objects, select Bold, Non-Bold, or All, if you want to include both Bold and Non-Bold in the criteria.

    6. If your pattern is defined with layers, you can search for internal objects that are located in a specific layer. From the Tool Number/Layer drop-down list, select the layer or click the All checkbox, if you want to search all layers (not a specific one).

  1. ClosedDefine the Required Changes

    1. On the right hand side of the dialog, in the Contour for Notches area, if you want to change the angle for notches or text object, select the Set Angle checkbox, then enter the required angle.

    Note: This option is not enabled for Buttons, Circles, Dart Pivot Points or Internal Contours.

    1. If you want to change the dimensions of the internal object, select the Set Sizes checkbox. This field is dynamic according to the type of internal object you have selected.

      • Notch: You can define the Depth, Width and Top Width of the notch.

      • Button/Circle: You can define the Radius.

      • Text: You can define the Size of the text.

      • Dart Pivot Point: You can define the Radius and Distance.

      • Internal Contour: Disabled.

    1. Now select the changes you want to make (according to the search criteria you defined). This area is dynamic according to the type of internal object you have selected and the criteria that exists in the pattern.

    2. Select the radio button of the cut/plot command you want to change: Draw, Cut, Drill, AuxDrill, Punch, Quality, Sew or select None if you want to remove the cut/plot command that is already defined, or select No Change if you want to keep the cut/plot command as is.

    3. Select the radio button of the notch/dart type: T, V, I, L, U, Box or select No Change, if you want to keep the type as is.

    4. If you defined search criteria for buttons, you can select the Convert to Circle radio button if you want to convert the button into a circle.

    5. If you defined search criteria for circles, you can select the Convert to Button radio button if you want to convert the circle into a button.

    6. Select the radio button of the cut order command: Cut before the Piece, Cut with the Piece, Cut After the Piece, or select No Change if you want to keep the cut order as is.

    7. If you defined search criteria for notches, you can select the Notches Reform Connection checkbox, if you want the notches to reconnect after cutting.

    8. If you have defined search criteria for text objects, you can change the text from Bold to Non-Bold, or select No Change to leave the text as is.

    9. If you want to change the layer, for example, from 1 to 2 for all the internal objects, from the Tool Number/Layer drop-down list, select the layer you want to change to, or select the No Change checkbox, to leave the layers as they are.

    10. If you want to apply changes only to those that are selected, select the Selected Objects Only checkbox.

  1. ClosedApply all required changes

    1. Once you are done defining the search criteria and global changes, click Apply Change Parameters. This applies the changes only to those objects that meet the search criteria.

    2. Click Delete, if you want to delete all the internal objects that meet the search criteria.

    3. Click Close to close the dialog.


 See also: General Piece Menu