Add Point/Notch Relatively

You can use this option when you want to add a button at a specified distance from a selected object (point, button, etc.).

To add a relative button:

  1. Select a point or a button.

  2. Select the Add Point/Notch Relatively tool.

    The Add Relative dialog appears:

  3. If you are adding a point, select the Add Point radio button


    If you are adding a notch, select the Add Notch radio button.

  4. If you selected Point, the following options are available (if you selected Notch you can not define the type of distance):

    Select the Specify distance along the contour clockwise radio button, if you want the point to be located along the contour in a clockwise manner


    Select the Specify absolute distance radio button, if you want the point/notch to be located according to a defined distance.

  5. In the Distance field, enter the distance of the point/notch relative to the selected point.

    For example, if you are adding a notch and you want it to be located 10 cm away from the selected point, enter 10.

    Notice a preview appears anytime a change is made as follows:

  6. Click Ok when you are done

    You can see the notch appears according to the defined values:


 See also: Points and Notches