2D Activating Functions

Some information regarding basic functions activation in PDS.

General workflow for Working with PDS 2D functions

Function > Selection > Action,  to operate generic functions:

Most of the regular 2D functions In PDS are operated according to the following workflow:

  1. Select the relevant function using one of these options:

  1. The Toolbox.

  2. The toolbar.

  3. The main menu.

  4. Using a keyboard shortcut.

  1. Depending on the function make the relevant primary selection.

  2. Depending on the function make additional selections.

  3. Complete the function by executing the relevant action.

ClosedExample function: Align points

  1. On the Toolbox click Movement.

    The Movement section opens.

  1. Select the function  .

    The cursor changes to .

  1. Select the first reference point.

  1. Select the last reference point.

    The align points dialog opens:

  1. Select your required options and parameters.

  1. Press the required button.

    The points are aligned accordingly.


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