Reordering side by side views

When viewing GLB files side by side you can change their position and rearrange them.

This is done by switching between two views at a time.

Reordering the views also affects the order of the related comments.

In reordering mode, some of the functions are unavailable. You should exit this mode when finished to restore full functionality.

To reorder side by side views :

  1. Open 2 to 6  files side by side.

  2. Click the Reorder Views icon.


    • The Reorder Views icon is selected.

    • The reordering mode becomes active and the floating icons (reset view, set position etc...) are hidden.

    • The mouse tip tool changes to Select the first view to swap.

  1. Click the view you want to reposition. The mouse tool tip changes to Select the second view to swap.
  2. Click the view you want to swap.

Both views change places and their respective comments order is also swapped.

  1. Continue to reorder other views as needed.
  2. When all reorders are done, deactivate the Reorder Views icon by clicking it (or by the Esc key on the key board):

    • The Reorder Views icon is deselected.

    • The floating icons (reset view, set position etc...) reappear and all functionality is available.


 See also: