Piece List

When this command is enabled, the Piece List dialog box will be displayed. The piece list allows better control on editing the pieces attributes.


  • Menu: View> Piece List

To use piece list:

  1. Invoke the 'Piece List'.

  2. Edit the editable fields.

  3. Place a piece from the Piece List dialog box by double clicking on the piece name - Same as it was clicked in the piece bar.

Note: To change the piece list font size, Click one on the list to active it. Then, hold down the Ctrl key while using the scroll wheel. Scroll up to make the font larger and down to make it smaller.

Table Explanation

Piece Number

Pieces List dialog box represents the piece ordinal number. The number is identical to the number that the piece has in the Piece Bar.

Style Name

When there are more then one style on the marker , the first style to be import will be shown first and the last one to be order, will be at the button of the list.

Piece/ Size Name

Piece name as it entered in PDS. The list displays information to each size for an individual piece. The piece name is editable trough the list while the sizes name can not be edit.

Editable Piece Information Fields

Some of the piece information can be editing through the piece list, those that have white background.
Editable fields are: Piece code, Material, Quantity, Piece description, Quality, Tool Layer, Orientation, opposite, rotation, max tilt, flip and fold allowance.

Non-Editable piece information fields

Fields that represents information on the piece placement information can not be editing. That field is colored in gray.
Non-editable fields:Piece coordinates (when a piece is placed on the Marker), Area & Parameter, Buffer size and the amount of patterns that placed on the marker from each piece.

Column Setting

Table Customization

  1. Right click on one of the fields to open lists of commands. Select the settings command to Column Setting dialog box.

  2. Check the box next to the column that you would like to make visible in the piece list

  3. Use the Move Up and Move down buttons to order the column.

Excel Report Settings

The Piece list also use to create an Excel Report of the pieces that ordered to the marker and that was placed on it. Check the box next to the options to active them.

Merge cells 

Combine cells that has the same name to one cell.

Show piece image in 

Draw a thumbnail picture of the piece for visual information for the pieces.

Show Piece Bar Code In Excel Report 

Add the piece's Bar Code information to the report in additional column.

Report To Excel

Exports the Piece List table into an Excel Report formant.