Piece Bar Size

The Piece Bar Size Definition dialog allows you to control the layout and size of the Pieces Bar and Size List, also referred to as the Piece Bar Window (located above the Marker Table). This allows you to change the font (size and style), the maximum number of pieces allowed, etc. so that you can see all the information in one place.


  • View Menu: View> Piece Bar Size

Dialog Explanation

The Piece Bar Size Definition dialog contains the following fields:

  • Max Pieces windows on Screen: Allows you to define the maximum number of pieces to be displayed in the Pieces Bar.

  • Max Sizes Strings in Screen: Allows you to define the maximum number of lines for the Size List.

  • Height/Width for Window: Allows you to change the height and width of the entire window.

  • Choose Font: Allows you to change the font (type, style and size)of the Size Window.

  • Restore: Click to restore the default settings.