Mark Flaw On The Marker Tool

This option enables you to define a part of the marker table as a flaw area (a bad area of the cloth that needs to be ignored while nesting).

Icon & Location

  • Menu: Marker>Flaws>Mark Flaw on the Marker

  • Toolbar: Marker Tool

To use the Mark Flaw On The Marker tool:

  1. From the main menu, go to Marker > Flaws > Mark Flaw on the Marker.

    The mouse turns into a rectangle tool.

  2. Draw a rectangle on the marker that defines the flaw area:

  3. When you are done drawing the rectangle left click with your mouse and release.

    The Flaw dialog appears:

  4. You can now manually define the flaw limit for Left/Right/Top/Bottom.

  5. Click Whole Length Flaw, if you want the flaw to be on the entire length of the fabric.

  6. Click Whole Width Flaw, if you want the flaw to be on the entire width of the fabric:

  7. Click Ok when you are done.

    Now once you nest, the marked area will be ignored.