Change Cut/ Plot Start Point Tool

You can use the Change Cut/Plot Start Point tool when you want to show/edit the cut or plot start point of each piece that is on the marker table. This tool enables you to quickly and easily define the cutting starting point of each piece on the marker without prompting a dialog.


  • Menu: View> Show Cut/Plot Start Point

  • Toolbar:General Tools.

To change cut/plot start point:

  1. First, make sure the Marker Cut/Plot Order is optimized automatically. In the Cut/Plot Order Optimization dialog, select the Choose Start Points and Optimize checkboxes and click OK.

  2. Next, in the General tools select the Show Start Point mode.

    The cursor will change to indicate that this mode is active and the start points will be highlighted.

  1. Now you can change and select the desired starting points for each piece. Click on a point to indicate that this is the new starting point.

Note:Only grading points that have a sharp angle can be chosen.

  1. Holding the SHIFT key down when selecting a point will change the cut direction of the piece.

  2. By using the arrow keys on your keyboard you can travel between the points along the external contour.

  3. Holding the Ctrl key down when selecting a point opens the Piece Cut Order Optimization dialog.