Bump/ Cut Lines

You can use bump/cut lines when you want to separate areas on the marker, and create cut lines. By default, the Adjust Tool can also snap ('bump') pieces to bump lines.


  • Menu: Marker> Bump/ Cut Lines

  • Using the Select Tool, over the Marker's boundary – drag a bump line.

  • Right click menu.

To create Bump/ Cut Lines:

From the main menu, go to Marker > Bump/Cut Lines.

The Bump/Cut Lines dialog appears:

If bump/cut lines are already defined, the table appears with the following information:




Displays the bump line's position along the X & Y Axis.

Line Direction

Displays the bump line's direction: horizontal or vertical.


If selected, the bump line is hidden but isn't deleted. This can be used when many bump lines are present and you want to just hide it.


If selected, the bump line has a fixed position.


If selected, the bump line will become a cut line, and will be cut in a cutting machine.

No Bump

If selected, the bump line is shown, but disregarded by the system when placing pieces, shooting or nesting.

Add OpStop

If selected, an OpStop command is added when cutting and the machine will stop before cutting the bump line.

Vertical Cut Lines for Marker OverCut (cm)

This allows you to set cutting lines that will be cut by a cutting machine outside of the marker boundaries. This option is used when several plies are laid, and you want to cut all the plies accurately (the last ply can be a bit shifted compared to the first ply)

Marker Top

Enter the overcut for the top of the Marker

Marker Bottom

Enter the overcut for the bottom of the Marker.

Show Bump Lines Description

If selected, a description is displayed on the bump line (shows the total length):

Minimal Cut Line Segment

Sets the minimal length of a cut line that will actually be cut by the cutting machine. This option is used when a cut line goes between to pieces that are placed next to each other.

Click Show/Hide All, if you want to show or hide all the bump lines in your Marker.

Click Fix/Unfix All, if you want to make all bump lines with a fixed/unfixed position.

Click Add, if you want to add a new bump line. You can also drag a bump line from the boundaries (top, bottom, left, right) of the Marker using the Select Tool.

Click Delete, if you want to delete a selected bump line from the dialog.

Once you create bump lines, you can use the right mouse button menu to perform extra actions:

Bump/Cut Lines: Click to open the Bump/Cut Line dialog.

Remove Bumpline: Deletes the selected bump line.

Hide Bumpline: Hides the bump line, but does not delete it.

Fix Bumpline: Fixes the location of the bum line so it cannot be moved.

Unfix Bumpline: If the bump line's location is fixed, unfixes it.

Hide All Bumplines: Hides all the available bump lines.

Show All Bumplines: Shows all hidden bump lines.

Lock Bumplines: Locks the bump line in the location on the Marker. This is different from "Fix" as it locks both the position and display.

Add Bumpline at Current Marker End: Adds a bump line at the end of the marker. Can be used with "nesting select pieces" to divided your marker nesting according to sizes or styles.

Cut: Converts the bump line into a cut line.

Bump: Converts a cut line into a bump line.