Bubble Info

The Bubble Info option allows you to view the piece description information without the need of opening the Piece Properties.

Icon & Location

  • View Menu: View> Bubble Info

  • Marker Menu: View> Bubble Info

To see the bubble info:

  1. From the main menu, go to View > Bubble Info.

    The Bubble Info Settings dialog appears allowing you to define the information you want available when hovering over a piece in the marker.

  2. Select the checkboxes of all the properties you want to view when hovering over the piece with your mouse.


    Use the Show/Hide buttons instead.

  3. Click Move Up/Down if you want to change the order the properties appear when popping up.

  4. Click Defaults, if you want to return the default settings.

  5. Click Ok when you are done.

  6. Now hover over a piece with your mouse and the information appears in a pop-up as follows: