Configuring Algotex DigiPen to Work with Optitex

This topic explains how to configure the Algotex DigiPen so you can work with Optitex software.

To configure the Algotex Digipen:

Install the Algotex DigiPen according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Open the PDS and go to File > Digitizer > Import DigiPen Files.

The DigiPen Files Import Setup dialog appears:

In the Folder for DigiPen Files field, click Browse then select the folder where the DigiPen files are located.

By default, the files are saved either in: C:\Program Files\PenPlot2\BIN\Files


C:\Program Files (x86)\Anoto\penDirector

You can change the folder if required.

Select the Remove files after Import checkbox, if you want to delete the files from the folder after they have been imported.

Select the Start Import Files checkbox, if you want to allow patterns to be uploaded after import.

In the Start Import Options section, select the Import All Files radio button, if you want to import all DigiPen files that are saved in the defined folder


Select the Import New Files Only radio button, if you want to import only new files.

Click Ok.

How to Import Pattern to Optitex


  • Open PDS and make sure you see the DigiPen icon tray, see picture bellow .

Icon when Pen is not on Cradle


Icon when Pen is on Cradle


  • Take the DigiPen from its stand and Digitize one pattern (according to next session instruction).

  • When you are done with the pattern press on the box at the bottom right of the paper map and reposition the pen in the cradle.

  • When you reposition the pen in the cradle the memory content is automatically written to a text file. The file is written in the C:\Program Files\PenPLot2\Bin\Files directory and has a name in the form:

YYYY=year   MM=month   DD=day   hh=hour   mm=minute 
   ss= second  x=digit
  • The DigiPen program should now display the following window, You can close this window.



  • Now wait 10 seconds until the PDS recognize the file.

  • The file saved is automatically loaded to PDS and you will be prompted to confirm (see image bellow).





  • First time the Digipen is used a connection to the Internet is needed.

  • You can digitize multiple pattern pattern, using number 8 to start a new pattern.

  • Patterns will only be imported while PDS is running.

  • Any mistake during the digitizing process may lead to an importing failure.

  • Be sure to place your pattern under the paper map.

  • All points should be marked clockwise (as in PDS).

 See also: Optitex Supported Digitizers