Gerber Converter 1
Use Converter 1 Program to convert native Gerber Files into Optitex file formats. The Gerber Converter, Converter 1, can convert Styles, Grading, and Marker Orders (not piece placement) of GGT data or .Zip format containing .tmp files.
(Please note that Optitex converter can convert only the ORDER and the STYLE information of the markers but not to nesting info.)
Windows Start> Programs->Optitex XX->Converters->Converter 1
Gerber File Types
New Style/Grade/Markers: .zip file containing .tmp files DO NOT UNZIP, convert as is.
Old Style/Grade/Markers: ../Storage../FLOPPY/data/.pce files UNZIP, then convert.
Dialog Explanation
GGT Data
at the end of the “GGT Input (..\storage\name\data)” Field in Converter 1 and select the storage/FLOPPY/data folder OR the folder that contains the UNZIPPED files.
All Markers, Styles, Pieces, and Grading contained in the data folder will appear under the appropriate Tab in the Converter 1 program.
Markers will appear under Orders, Styles appear under Models, All Pieces in the Style will appear under Pieces, All Grade Rules will appear under Rules.
Gerber files can have multiple styles, and markers contained in one folder.
at the end of the “Optitex Output:” Field and choose a folder to store the convertered Gerber Files.
Select The Models Tab to convert a Style; Click on the Style (use SHIFT to select more than 1 style) select
to convert the Style (s)
OR Select the Pieces Tab to convert pieces, if no Models are listed. All Pieces beginning with the same name belong in 1 style. Click on pieces with the same name, use SHIFT key to select multiple pieces; Select
to convert the Pieces. The Converter will create 1 style with the name of the first piece selected.
Select the Rules Tab to convert Grade rules; Click on the Grade Rule and select
. (Styles will convert with grading, converting the Grade Rule is optional).
Select The Orders Tab to convert Marker Orders; Click on the Marker and select
. (Marker Placement is not converted, only the Order).
Gerber .Zip Data (.tmp Files)
at the end of the “Zip Input (*.zip)” Field, select “…” and select the zip file to convert. (a correct zip file contains .tmp files, any other file type, unzip the file and use the GGT Input field)
at the end of the “Optitex Output:” Field and choose a folder to store the converted Gerber Files.
Select The Models Tab to convert a Style; Click on the Style (use SHIFT to select more than 1 style) select
to convert the Style (s)
OR Select the Pieces Tab to convert pieces, if no Models are listed. All Pieces beginning with the same name belong in 1 style. Click on pieces with the same name, use SHIFT key to select multiple pieces; Select
to convert the Pieces. The Converter will create 1 style with the name of the first piece selected.
Select the Rules Tab to convert Grade rules; Click on the Grade Rule and select
. (Styles will convert with grading, converting the Grade Rule is optional).
Select The Orders Tab to convert Marker Orders; Click on the Marker and select
. (Marker Placement is not converted, only the Order).