Tips & Tricks
The following section covers tips & tricks to help you get the most out of 3D Design for Illustrator
Starting from PDS version O21.0, we optimized Illustrator output to simplify users` work in 3DDI Only the simulated size and all relevant elements are left visible in Illustrator. All other sizes and internal elements are hidden automatically. They remain hidden as you add and load the design in 3DDI.
The pattern size you simulated in PDS and then exported to 3DDI package, is the size that you need to work on in Adobe Illustrator and 3D Design for Illustrator. All other sizes’ geometries (layers and sub-layers) should be hidden in Adobe Illustrator. Only the 2D geometry that has appropriate mesh in 3D window should be visible.
If garment pieces have a 2D seam defined in PDS, only the geometry of the sub-layer Sew of the current size should be visible, all other sub-layers’ geometries (Draw and Cut) should be hidden. If a 2D seam is not defined in PDS, the Cut sub-layer geometry should be visible and all other sub-layers’ geometries (Sew and Draw) should be hidden.
When exporting from PDS a garment that contains many pieces, it is possible in the created AI file, that the pieces will be outside of the AI document's frame. Once you open them in AI, you can simply move these pieces, so they appear inside the document's frame.
Some exported pieces are not colored correctly in the 3D Design for Illustrator after refresh. This can be prevented by not making changes to the positions of the pieces in 2D (for example, rotate and flip), after you've done the simulation in PDS. Some exported pieces are not colored correctly in the 3D Design for Illustrator after refresh. This can be prevented by not making changes to the positions of the pieces in 2D (for example, rotate and flip), after you've done the simulation in PDS.